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Events calendar

February 2025
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BESEDA / Měšťanská kuchyně předmoderní doby / s profesorkou Irenou Korbelářovou

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LAUBY – PŘÍBĚH ZMIZELÉ OSTRAVSKÉ ZÁSTAVBY OČIMA ARCHEOLOGIE / Komentovaná prohlídka výstavy „Lauby – světla a stíny Ostravy“ s archeologem Zbyňkem Moravcem a křest bulletinu Krásná Ostrava 2/2024

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01-28-2025 show

Korunovační klenoty v dějinách světa

9. 12. 2016 - 5. 3. 2017

Ostrava will host items from the world’s most famous collection of crown jewels
Glorious symbols of power and strength

The royal crown: a golden ring of power and strength. A glorious symbol that crowds flock to admire. From mid-December 2016 to the end of February 2017, the Ostrava City Museum will be hosting another in a series of spectacular international exhibitions – this time displaying original crown jewels (and wonderfully realistic replicas), with around 150 exhibits documenting the cultures of major empires in Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Oceania. The items have been loaned by the world’s most famous collection of crown jewels, usually held in a safe at Juwelier Abeler in the German city of Wuppertal. The exhibits are normally completely off-limits to the public, making this a unique opportunity to see these beautiful items. Among the exhibits are pieces with great importance for Czech history – particularly the crown of St Wenceslas, first worn on 2 September 1347 when Charles IV was crowned King of Bohemia. The Austrian imperial crown of Rudolf II was made in 1602 by the Prague court jeweller Jan Vermeyen, and from 1804 onwards it was worn by the monarchs of the newly formed Austrian Empire. The crowns are not only a feast for the eyes – they are also an invitation to meditate.



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