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November 2024
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Mezinárodní den romského jazyka

11 12 13

BESEDA / Hřiby a suchohřiby

14 15 16 17
18 19

KOMENTOVANÁ PROHLÍDKY VÝSTAVY / Od koně k vykřičníku / Od znaku k logu

20 21 22 23 24
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BESEDA / Stolik polski: Humorné a mravní motivy ve vybraných staropolských textech s démonologickou tématikou


VERNISÁŽ / Lauby – světla a stíny Ostravy

29 30


10-07-2024 show


Collection of Ostrava museum

Recorded in  Central registry of museum-type collections(CES)
Owner: Statutární město Ostrava
Manager: Ostravské muzeum, Masarykovo náměstí 1, Ostrava 728 41
The collections of the Ostrava Museum comprise about 300 000 inventory number, objects of a significant historical value and contain many-times higher number of individual objects.
The wides part consists of the society science collection, comprising:
  • prehistorical archeological findings from the surroundings of Ostrava
  • historical and art historical objects – furniture, glass, china, ceramics, clocks, numismatics, painting and sculpture, weapons, tin etc.
  • ethnographic objects – painted furniture, work tools, costumes, glass pictures, plastics
  • musical history – serious music, folklore art, history of Ostrava dramatic art.
Natural sciences are represented by the collection as follows:
  • entomologic – beatles and butterflies
  • geological – minerals, rocks and unique paleontologic carbon collection of Mr. V. Šusta
  • botanic – herbariums, mushrooms
  • zoological – stuffed birds and mammals, preparations of amphibians and fish..
A rich library with ancient printed materials and photoarchive with photos and picture cards of ancient Ostrava forms a separate part of the museum.







Musicology and theater studies


Glass and ceramics


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